Designed for operation of the Solartron 1455 multichannel FRA and 1470E with up to independent 32 FRA/pstat channels for multiple experiments. Includes Data ExplorerTM compressed experiment file management system. Uses Ethernet or GPIB communications and includes both ZViewTM and CorrViewTM for data analysis and presentation.
MultiStat® is a powerful new software package designed to unlock the potential of the Solartron 1455 FRA and 1470E potentiostat system. With impressive features including the Data Explorer™ file manager, a single document interface (SDI) format, and the proven flexible Experiment Editor, MultiStat® defines the new standard in electrochemistry software for multichannel/multisample operation.
ZView™ and CorrView™ are included with MultiStat for data analysis and presentation. The MultiStat software interface is specifically designed for simultaneous use of multiple, independent FRA – potentiostat/galvanostat combinations. Compatible with Win7/Win8/Win10(32-bit and 64-bit). For more information and specifications, go to features.